Emerald Coast, FL March 2018
Starting our trip from Charleston SC, there is always things to see in Charleston!
Day 1 Friday – Friday - Charleston, SC
Tanya and I tour downtown Charleston, SC doing it as a driving your for it is raining and cool. Could not find parking at the visitor center for the surface lot is full and the RV cannot for in the parking garage.
Not too many pictures this stop but did try out the selfie stick.

A good drive seeing the many historic homes South of Broad Street where the higher cost homes are. Rainbow Row, cobblestone streets, backyard gardens actually could see a little better with the added height of the RV.
On the harbor break wall while looking at the plaque shopping Fort Sumpter, Fort Johnson, Fort Moultrie Tanya sees a large grey ship which is the USS Yorktown and exclaimed "I want to go there" so we drive around to Mount Pleasant and Patriots Point.
We walk into the pier and see how big the aircraft carrier is. Discussing how we only have a little time before we go meet my son Doug and his family, we decide that touring the Yorktown will have to wait for another time.
While in the parking lot we thought that it was time for lunch. My mind was thinking of what restaurant were nearby and Tanya suggested to eat in the RV. How exciting, I had forgotten how enjoyable it is to relax in our own home and have lunch! Thanks, Tanya, for reminding me of the joys of RVing!
The drive to Summerville and much more traffic than expected forgot that it was Good Friday, and everyone would get off work early. Go by the property I have for sale and Tanya gets to see what she has only heard about before. I noticed the construction going on nearby has increased considerably since I had seen it last.
Meeting my son and his family for dinner, catching up sometimes means measuring how tall my grandsons have grown! They have both exceeded my son's height! Discussions ranged over many topics and even a good bit about differences of opinion in how Trump is doing. Even so it is good to have some time together, if we didn’t have a long way to go, I would have stayed longer.
Itinerary while Tanya is available to join me.

Day 2 Saturday
This first leg of the trip there was a lot of miles to cover to get into the area we wanted to explore. Starting out a little later than we had thought we decided to skip Jekyll Island for it is close to my son's home and can be seen on later trips.
DAY 3 Sunday
Boondocking in a parking lot in Tallahassee was quiet and not crowded, the sunrise was excellent and an early start the next morning. Stopping at an oil change place we tried a different oil to see if there would be a difference in oil pressure when at idle. It seemed to work until the engine got up to full temperature and then once again dropped below expectations. Running out of ideas for this hopefully someone at the RV Rally will have some ideas.
Very good display, this is Easter Sunday and we had not even realized it, the Aquarium was open! Very few people were here, and it was rather nice not to fight crowds. Designed more as a children's aquarium that allows you to touch and handle many of the displays is cool shallow low tanks held all kinds of shallow water sea animals. Talk about up close and personal!
Visit to Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratory in Panacea, FL
Don't try to pet the turtle, you could lose a finger!
What a great place for adults!
Seems everything is closed, we drive the beach towns, walk the beaches, find a military campground on Tyndall AFB and call it a night.
We had planned to kayak today before Tanya has to return to the cold, cold north. The fog was pretty heavy, and we opted out of kayaking. Breakfast was rather interesting. On the menu was Hash with garden vegetables, thinking it was corned beef hash we ask the waitress and learn it is potato hash browns covered with garden vegetables and cheese. Very good, going to try this at home sometime.
Driving a few more beach towns and then the St Andrews State Park to walk on the beach. Spent the whole day here and enjoyed it immensely. Watched dolphins herding baitfish and then having a feast, swam in the sea, walked miles on the beach and also the nature trail. Met another couple in a class B RV and shared thought on each other's rig.
Picture missing?
Tough to say goodbye after sharing a road trip together, later Tanya will have more time off and will be joining me again.
686 miles 15 hours' Drive time.
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