Watson Lake, YT. Boondocking at a permanent closed RV park and driving 15 miles into Watson Lake to see the sights.
Signpost village is absolutely amazing, so many signs from all over the world over many years.
I have made a sign for our RV club WINs, Wandering Individuals Network and was lucky enough to have found a place to mount it not too far up a pole.
Nice visit, scored an onion to add to my dinner, in a few days we will be crossing into Alaska and Border Control will not allow fresh fruit or vegetables to cross.
It has been 2 weeks since starting this journey and 1200 miles. I like taking the time to travel leisurely!
Traveling everyday or every other day for 2 weeks (in Canada) helps cover miles but also draining. I sometimes feel that this is the road to nowhere 🤣 There's a proven theory that at 30 day's of travel your mind goes into a funk and you want to return to your hometown. Pushing through for 2 days and this will go away. Over the last 7 years of full time travel I have experienced this feeling many times. Each new adventure often brings this feeling on.
Ok, shared with you one of the unique aspects of full time traveling.
Continuing on to Alaska, a few small towns along the way.
Amazing how many different Continental Divides there are. Usually separating river drainages. This one is Artic Circle and Pacific Ocean.
At the entrance to Skagway, AK the town of CarCross had some touristy shops. The map shows the different routes to get to the Sea. And how the gold numbers came to the Klondike.
Finally at Whitehorse we are in a big city again. I rushed through and got to our remote campsite, too much traffic and people. Didn't help that we arrived on a weekend at midday.
Whitehorse, YT it is a Sunday morning with very little traffic so we bicycle tour downtown to see the local murals.
Later as traffic picked up, we stayed on one side of Main Street, so we have not seen all of them.
The Cultural Heritage center is closed to the public for an event. You can read the sign in the picture to learn what's going on.
Oh, there's much more to see here in Whitehorse, YT. McPearson museum, shows the growth of Whitehorse and a really great taxidermy of local wildlife.
The other museum Bierilinga is about how the land bridge connected Asia and North America as well as how ice age periods changed the area and wildlife.

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